Truck accidents are among some of the most dangerous types of accidents on the road. Injuries in these accidents can be severe, and damage can be extensive. This can result in expensive medical care, lost income, and other expenses. In a truck accident case, it’s vital to establish who is liable. Let’s explore truck accident liability.
Who Is Liable?
When you first meet with truck accident lawyers, liability will be one of the first and most crucial questions that need to be answered. When commercial trucks are involved in accidents, the liability must fall on the right individual, because that party will be responsible for the compensation that must be paid to individuals who were involved in the accident.
Commonly, liability will fall on either the driver, the owner of the truck, the trucking company, the freight company, or the truck manufacturer. In some cases, it might fall on the manufacturer of specific parts of the truck or equipment as well. There are also instances in which liability might fall on a government agency that would be responsible for maintaining the road on which the accident took place if it’s determined that the road conditions directly contributed to the accident.
What Can Accident Victims Do?
If you were the individual injured in a commercial trucking accident, you have a few options available to you. If you were an employee carrying out your job duties and were injured in a trucking accident as part of those duties, you might be entitled to worker’s compensation from your employer. If you were a victim who was injured due to the negligence of a truck driver or a truck company, you may qualify for financial compensation. Your first step will be to contact reliable truck accident lawyers in your area for assistance. These professionals can review your case and advise you on what your next steps should be.
What Compensation Can I Receive?
A truck accident compensation would be calculated by looking at the injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other consequences that resulted from the accident. Your lawyer will need to do a detailed review of your medical records, employment records, and other details that might impact the compensation amount. This is why it’s good to have this professional on your side so that you can be sure that every detail is accounted for. According to the publication ON The Map, motor vehicle accident cases lasted 20 months on average in 2024. This can be a long and complicated process, so you’ll want a knowledgeable lawyer on your side.
These are just a few things you should know about truck accident liability. If you’re looking for truck accident lawyers in your area, please contact The Capital Law Firm today. We look forward to assisting you.